
Take a Rest

Photo taken at the Olympic Sculpture Park, early AM Saturday

The weekend passed oh too quickly as they usually do. It started out well enough - gave myself a rest on Friday eve with the sickies, woke up Saturday feeling a bit better but in need of a walk. So I took a breakfast walk down to the Sculpture Park. I enjoy going there early in morning hours - before it get's too full with folk as I'm sure it was later on the sunny Saturday.

I had all these ideas of spending time over the weekend being my usual creative & happy self... but it just didn't work out like that. Sickies had me down with low energy and after fighting it all day Saturday (even tried to perk up for a visit from Andy - poor guy had a spacey girl) I finally just listened and napped through most of Sunday. Sometimes you just got to do what you got to do. It worked - I'm feeling a bit better today. But for some reason the duldrums won't leave. I wonder if I've just reached a point of creative burnout? Had I been burning so brightly for the past two weeks that I just burned through my stored fuel? Not sure. But for now, I'm just going to go with it and take a rest. Let the unfinished paintings lay where they be and take a rest.

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