
Seattle Etsy Street Team Swap

Look at all that booty!

On Sunday I was feeling better so happily, I made it to the Etsy Rain Team Sale and Swap. The group had a meetup to pretty much show and sell / trade/ barter with each other and it was fabulous fun. I hadn't prepared much in advance so Sunday morning I just packed up my Rekoj bag with some hand made goodies and few supplies I wasn't using and heading on over.

I ended up with some REALLY great trades!

- A ring of outdated architectural Formica samples and a deck of "The Worst-Case-Scenario Survival Cards" in exchange for Never Marry Ninja Shower Art by Ugly Baby

- A primary color set of screen printing ink I didn't like, a check book cover and a mini octopus journal for what I think is the most amazing luscious lavender shawl I've ever seen from Scary White Girl. Dawn on the other hand, thought it was a hideous color. She needed screen ink and I love it!

- A mini bag and a check book cover in trade for two pairs of sterling earrings from One Eyed Collie. (One pair I'm wearing right now as I type!)

- A pair of cuff bracelets went to Tenika of Scarlet Beautiful because they perfectly fit her (same sized wrists as me) and I scored the lovely print of "Freely Bloom" pictured above. The orange in the flowers perfectly matches my door.

And that stash of amazing upholstery fabric? Free pile =) Oh yeah! Gotta love the swaps.

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