
Studio Daze Days

 It's funny. You would think if someone had recently acquired the nearly full-time pursuit of art she would be capable of blogging more often. Right? Well... Now that I CAN paint full time, I'm finding that is exactly what I'm doing. Painting. Each and every day. Longer than "workday" hours Picking up the practice right where I left it off at my residency. And it feels oh so good!

I've broken it up a wee bit with walks at my nearby parks such as the above pictured Madrone up at Priest Point (one of my favorites in the known world and an inspiration) and enjoying the pleasure of cooking good food.
 There have been occasional jaunts out of the studio nest... but not many. Other than two short trips to Seattle - (one for First Thursday and another for seeing good friends) I've been here. Just right here. Painting the days away.
"Ticket" In Progress...
 I'm gearing up towards my next big solo show, The Birds and the Bones which will be at CORE Gallery. But it's more than that. My muse is flowing strong and speaking to me often. I've "seen" far more flashes of full fledged pieces than ever before. The woodworking I've been experimenting with continues to bring me flushes of joy and disappeared hours. And how it's all coming together makes me feel like it is the culmination of the last four years of my work all coming together... not just this one show. Painting the days away indeed. Painting right on into tomorrow.

First star to the right and straight on till morning anyone?

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