
Views of Prep and Production


So much canvas stretching I couldn't do yoga for the bruises on my palms and fingers...

...Mostly from having to re-do several canvases. No one told me this was hard!
Sneak Peek "WISH" - painting on wood is still my love and joy.
Even major production weekends need breaks in the midst. A walk to Woodard Bay does the trick.
My biggest solo show to date opens in less than 72 hours... oh my. And right after that, I'm moving.
Methinks I'll be off to brew more coffee now.
One moment at a time, one day at a time. Till the morrow, sweet dreams dear ones!


Unknown said...

Good Luck with your final few hours! Is that last picture a table full of birdhouses? It's really pretty!

Sara said...

Indeed! A whole table full of old birdhouses that were taken down during a shore restoration project some months ago. To restore the shore they pulled out all the old pilings which was unfortunate for all the bird houses that had been a part of said pilings. They have all been sitting on a picnic table ever since!