
Moving Week Snippets

Moving week was a super busy time! Despite it all I still kept my date with my sketchbook though with felt good.

Setting up shelves and making good use of Andy's peanut butter jar collection!

I also took a moment to enjoy a bit of spring. Ferns amaze me. They just do.

Thorny Devil's Club shooting it's canopy into the sky.

One of the last lingering skunk cabbage blooms.

As of Sunday, May 1st I bid farewell to the co-op I had called home for over 4 years. In the words of my dear friend and now ex-housemate Leah, I've "graduated" onto the next chapter of my life.
Thanks to the walrus truck here I now have all my belongings under one roof and in one city... for the first time in ... well... ages. It feels really damn good.

Raise a glass with me will ya? Cheers to new beginnings!

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